
Abution Indicum



Atibala, scientifically called Abutilon Indicum (Linn.)

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Atibala, scientifically called Abutilon Indicum (Linn.), belongs to the Malvaceae family. It is known as Country mallow in English, Kanghi in Hindi, and Atibala in Sanskrit. It’s a perennial shrub that grows up to 3 meters tall.

The plant can be found in India, Sri Lanka, America’s tropical regions, and Malesia. It grows as a weed in sub-Himalayan areas, up to 1200 meters in elevation, and in hotter portions of India.

Benefits of Atibala for Kidneys:

  • Atibala may aid in the prevention of diuresis.
  • This is because it increases the amount of urine produced and excreted.
  • This increases urine sodium loss while not affecting the intrinsic potassium-sparing action.

Benefits of Atibala for Arthritis:

  • Atibala may help manage the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • It also helps to minimize joint inflammation.
  • Abutilon Indicum offers considerable protection against protein denaturation and RBC membrane damage caused by hypotonic saline.

Benefits of Atibala for Diarrhoea:

  • Atibala may be beneficial for diarrhoea as it possesses anti-diarrheal properties.
  • In addition, it reduces gastrointestinal motility and slows the contraction of intestinal muscles.
  • This helps prevent stomach aches, pain, and loose or watery stools.

Benefits of Atibala for Epilepsy and Siezures:

  • Atibala may be useful in the treatment of seizures.
  • It contains linoleic acid and/or flavonoid components, which have anticonvulsant properties and prevent muscles from contracting involuntarily.

Benefits of Atibala for Skin:

  • Atibala has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities that may aid wound healing.
  • Atibala has ingredients that aid in wound contraction and closure, as well as skin cell regeneration.
  • It also helps to promote wound healing by lowering the risk of infection at the wound site.

Benefits of Atibala for Diabetes:

  • Insulin sensitivity is improved by using Atibala.
  • In addition, Atibala’s ability to regulate adipocyte development and increase glucose utilization may make it useful for lowering insulin resistance.

Benefits of Atibala for Female Reproductive System:

  • The herb Abutilon Indicum has anti-oestrogenic properties.
  • It was discovered that it suppressed enzyme activity and the uterotropic response induced by oestrogen.

Benefits of Atibala for Immunity:

  • Atibala leaves may have immunomodulatory properties.
  • It boosts antibody production in the blood and neutralizes infections.
  • This aids in the improvement of the immune system.

Benefits of Atibala for Infections:

  • •In the case of Gram-positive bacteria, the extract of Abutilon Indicum was found to be most effective against Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Bacillus sublitis.
  • In the case of Gram-negative bacteria, the extract was most effective against Escherichia coli, which showed the largest zone of inhibition, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, the ethanolic extract had a lot of antifungal activity against Candida albicans.

Benefits of Atibala for Respiratory system:

  • Dried aerial parts of Abutilon Indicum help alleviate the frequent bronchial asthma-like symptoms: dyspnea, cough, chest tightness and wheezing.
  • It was also found to improve pulmonary function in patients with mild to severe bronchial asthma, as evaluated by forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)

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100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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