
Hair Loss

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Hair Loss

Only your facial features do not tell about you but your hair reveals too about your personality. Stay young forever is dream of every person and we can’t stop the flow of time. In human body hair are not only important part of body though hair are very essential for a beautiful physical appearance. But various factors genetic, environmental and nutritional factors are responsible for the damage of hair. Hair loss, graying of hair and wrinkles on skin are the major signs of growing age. Hair loss is common problem seen these days.

About Hair

Hair is very simple in structure made up of keratin protein. Normally our hair grows half inch every month. Body hair gives warmth to body, nostril hair protects our immune system from dirty particles and hair of eyebrow and eyelashes protect us from dirt, rain and sweat. Hair follicle contains nerve receptor with in skin and this property of hair provides us sensory awareness.


  • Growth phase (Anagen phase)
  • Transitional phase (Catagen phase)
  • Resting phase (Telogen phase)

About Hair Loss

Hair loss is sudden shedding of hair. “ALOPECIA” is term used for hair loss. It is immune system related disorder. Hair loss is not a big issue because it is recovered by new hair growth. But abnormal hair loss is problem. It is just because of the shrinking of hair follicles present at hair roots. So many causes are responsible for the shedding of hair at early age. We normally lost 50-100 hair daily.

Causes Of Hair Loss


  • Scalp infections
  • Illness
  • Major surgery
  • Trauma
  • Hormonal problems
  • Excess intake of antidepressant medicines
  • After pregnancy
  • Diseases like diabetes and lupus
  • Growing age
  • Heredity
  • Poisoning of heavy metals
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Fungal infections

Symptoms Of Hair Loss


  • Dandruff
  • Lesions of skin
  • Hair loss in patches
  • Scarring
  • Excessive hair fall daily

Types Of Hair Loss

Male and female pattern baldness – Each stand of hair sits in a tiny cavity. Hair follicle shrinks over time and result in short and thin hair. This is mainly due to aging and changed levels of androgen.
Alopecia areata – Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disorder in which loss of hair is from some or whole parts of body. Problem spread to entire scalp and enter to entire epidermis.
Cicatricial alopecia – It is also called scarring alopecia. In this type of disorder hair follicle is destroyed and replaced by a scar tissue. Hair loss is permanent in this type of alopecia.
Anagen effluvium – It is pathological loss of anagen. It arises during the anagen phase of cycle. Main cause of anagen effluvium is repeated radiation and chemical therapies.
Telogen effluvium – This type of hair loss is characterized by thinning and shedding of hair resulting from the early entry of hair in the resting phase of hair (telogen phase)

Risk Factors

  • Family history
  • Growing age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Medical conditions
  • Stressful life
  • Allergic reactions

Ayurvedic Aspect

Ayurvedic term used for hair loss is “KHALITYA”. Pitta dosha is main reason to cause hair loss and graying of hair. People who have excess of pitta dosha in their body are more prone to these diseases.

Herbal Remedies For Hair Loss By The Herbal House

All Medicine are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

Dietary Regimen :

Should take light, easily digestible foods, Amlaki, Bitter items, milk, ghee.
Should avoid salty, high in fat content, heavy food items, curd, preserved and fast food.

Yogic Regimen:

Meditation, Pranayama.


Should avoid day sleep, night awakening, acohol, smoking.

About The Herb house

The Herb House was built on the idea of creating an efficient and Blind faith in Customers about the genuineness and purity factor of the most complicated natural Ingredients called “ HERBS & SPICES.

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