Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) is a perennial, tuberous rooted and herbaceous shrub that grows up to 3 feet in height. Leaves of this plant are cleft or lobed, simple, alternate and oval in shape. Towards the bottom leaves are larger in size and on the top of the plant leaves growing are smaller and shorter. Tuberous roots of this plant are dark brown in color from outside and are yellow in color from inner side. Fruits are tube like capsules or just like helmet that opens at the top. This plant is very catchy because it bears very beautiful blue, yellow and pink zygomorphic flowers with numerous stamens. Flowers and fruits appears in the month of July to November.
General Description
Aconite, monkshood, wolf’s bane, leopard’s bane, Indian vish, bikh, Mouse bane, women’s bane, devil’s helmet, queen of all poisons and blue rocket are common name of aconitum ferox. Ahiphena, bhanga, dhatura, langali, karvira and jayapal are also poisonous herbs of Ayurveda but Vatsanabha it most poisonous out of all these herbs. Its heavy dose may cause fatal effects even it may lead to death also.
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