
Berberis Aristata

Daruharidra, Indian Barberry 100grm, 1kg, 25kg


Berberis aristata is erect, evergreen shrub with height of 3.5mt. It is woody plant with yellow to brown bark from outside and with dark yellow bark inside.

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Berberis aristata is erect, evergreen shrub with height of 3.5mt. It is woody plant with yellow to brown bark from outside and with dark yellow bark inside. The bark is fully covered with three branched thorns, which are modified leaves in tufts of 5-8 and are simple with pinnate venation. Upper surface of leaves are dark green and lower surface of leaves are light green. Leaves of this plant are toothed, simple, sessile, and leathery in texture and are arranged radically. Flowers are stalked, yellow, complete and hermaphrodite. The flowers appear in month of April-May. This plant is self-fertile and are pollinated by small insects. Fruits are ovoid and covered with bloom as in plum and color is aconite violet. The fruits of this herb are juicy rich in nutrients and contain plenty of sugar. Seeds are 2-5 in number and vary in color from yellow to pink.

General Information

This herb is called Indian barberry or tree turmeric and it belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine system from long times. Fruit of this plant is edible and rich source of vitamin C. The root bark of this herb is rich in berberine and isoquinoline alkaloids. Both chemical compounds are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, ant- diabetic, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory in nature.

Whole plant is very good source of dye and is used for dyeing clothes, cotton and leathers. Roots of this herb is used in the preparation of alcoholic drinks.


Daruharidra herb is native to Himalayas in India. It is also widely distributed in wet zone of Sri Lanka. This species of evergreen deciduous shrub is also found in temperate and sub-tropical regions of Asia, Europe and America. It is also distributed in Bhutan and hilly areas of Nepal. Daruharidra is also found in Himachal Pradesh especially in Kumaon and Chamba region. This herb is widely distributed in Nilgiris hills in South India.


  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Order – Ranunculales
  • Family – Berberidaceae

Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi / Sanskrit English
Rasa Kashaya, Tikta Taste Astringent, Bitter
Guna Laghu, Ruksha Physical Property Light, Dry
Virya Ushna Potency Hot
Vipaka Katu Metabolic Property (After Digestion) Pungent

Effects On Doshas

It balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita Sushrut Samhita and vagbhatta
·         Arshoghna – Herbs used in haemorroids.

·         Lekhaniya – Herbs used in scraping and reducing cholesterol levels.

·         Kandughna – Herbs used in various skin disorders.

Haridradi, Lakshadi, Mustadi Gana

Practical Uses Of Berberis Aristata

  • Paste of this herb is used externally to reduce pain and inflammation. Best use of this herb is in eye related disorders.
  • It is also used for quick healing of wounds and paste of this herb is also useful in syphilis, ulcers and anal fistula.
  • Daruharidra helps to cure spasmodic pain and is very beneficial for patients of menorrhagia and leucorrhoea.
  • Roots of daruharidra are hepato protective in nature and fight against liver toxicity. It gives wonderful result in jaundice patients.
  • It is also anti-diabetic in nature. Root powder of this herb triggers the extra formation of insulin and protect body from harmful effects of diabetes.
  • Daruharidra is very effective herb with anticancer properties which fights against human colon cancer.
  • This herb fights against the various infections caused by microbes in both males and females. In females it is used to cure uterine infections.
  • It is also used in ear aches and ear discharge.
  • This herb helps to stimulate sweating and is used in intermittent fever. It is much effective herb in malaria than any other herbs.
  • Fruit of this herb is appetizer, helps to stimulate digestive fire and is beneficial in patients of dysentery.
  • It is also used for constipation and piles.
  • Paste of this herb is applied over eyelids to reduce conjunctivitis.
  • Decoction of Daruharidra is used in the form of gargles in throat infections and to improve voice.

Ayurvedic Products From Berberis Aristata

  • Madhumehantak Churna
  • Navkarshik Churna
  • Daruhaldi PowderPart Used
  • Fruit extract
  • Fruit
  • Stem


  • Decoction – 50-100ml
  • Fruit powder – 3-5gm
  • Fruit extract – 3gm

Additional information


100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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