
Oxalis Corniculata


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Changeri (Oxalis corniculata) is a herbaceous and perennial herb with primary slender roots. Changeri is low growing creeping weed often found in gardens,



Changeri (Oxalis corniculata) is a herbaceous and perennial herb with primary slender roots. Changeri is low growing creeping weed often found in gardens, waste lands, and hedges and roadsides. Branches of this plant lie on the ground and start rooting to form new plant. This plant grows up to height of 30cm with erect and creeping branches; stem is narrow and creeping, about 40cm in length. Roots of this plant are branched and fibrous covered with small hairs. It contains three heart shaped leaflets that are joined to a long petiole. Leaves are about 4-12mm long and 10-20mm broad. Yellow flowers of the plant grow in cluster of 1-6 petals that are about 10-20mm long. Fruits are 1-2cm long and are cylindrical capsules. Seeds are rough, egg shaped, flattened and dark red in color. Flowering season of this plant is from July to December.

General Information

Indian penny wood, creeping wood sorrel, creeping oxalis, sleeping beauty and procumbent yellow sorrel all are common names of oxalis corniculata. It is very effective herb used for treating stomach and liver problems in ayurvedic medicine system. Leaves of this plant are edible, with tangy taste just like taste of lemons. This herb is richest source of vitamin –C, B, potassium and oxalic acid. Flowers are sour in taste and rich in oxalic acid and potassium oxalate. Leaves of this plant are extremely astringent and bitter in taste. It has self-pollinating flowers that have capacity to grow fast in open grasslands. In Canada this plant is used as weed for glasshouses.

Red to brown, yellow and orange dyes are obtained from this plant. This plant is edible and it is used as salad. This plant is anti-scorbutic and used in the treatment of scurvy. This herb is anti-inflammatory, anthelminthic, diuretic, febrifuge, relaxant, stomachic, astringent, analgesic and styptic in nature.

Major chemical compound present in this herb is oxalic acid and vitamin-C. This herb is also rich in water, fat, proteins, calcium, phosphorous, iron, niacin and beta carotene. Other chemical compounds available in this herb are flavonoids, phytosterols, phenol, tannins, fatty acids and volatile oils. Leaves are rich in flavonoids, isovitexine, and vitexine. It contains various essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid. Stem is rich in tartaric, malic acid and citric acid.


Oxalis is mainly native to Hawaii and south Europe. It is found in tropical regions of America. In Asia it is found in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, china, Indonesia, Taiwan and japan. In India it is mostly found in open gardens, grasslands, riversides, mountains, wastelands and roadsides.


  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Order – Oxalidales
  • Family – Oxalidaceae

Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi / Sanskrit English
Rasa Amla, Kashaya Taste Sour, Astringent
Guna Laghu, Rooksha Physical Property Light, Dry
Virya Ushna Potency Hot
Vipaka Amla Metabolic Property (After Digestion) Sour

Effects On Doshas

It balances vata and Kapha doshas.

Charak Samhita Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata
Shaak varga Shaak varga

Practical Uses From Oxalis Corniculata

  • Oxalis is best herb rich in vitamin-C and it is best used in the treatment of scurvy.
  • This herb is very beneficial for treating influenza.
  • External paste of leaves is used as antidote for the poisoning caused by snake bites, datura, mercury and arsenic.
  • Leaf extract or juice is used for treating burns, insect bites and various skin eruptions. It is also beneficial for various skin disorders like warts, corns,
  • inflammation and boils. Leaf juice is mixed with onion extract to remove warts.
    Decoction of this herb is used for gargles.
  • Infusion of leaves is used to cure irritation of eyes and opacity of cornea.
    This herb is anthelminthic in nature and it is used in infants to get rid of hookworms and it is also used to cure enteritis.
  • Leaf juice of this herb is used in the treatment of jaundice and it is very effective to cure symptom of diabetes i.e. poly-hydra.
  • Infusion of leaves of this herb is used for treating low grade and high grade fevers.
  • Leaf paste is applied over forehead externally to relieve headaches. Crushed leaves are used to reduce inflammation.
  • Leaf extract mixed with oil and its local massage is used in relieving insomnia.
    Aqueous extract of this herb is cardio-protective in nature and it is very beneficial for overall health.
  • It is used in the pacification of vata and kapha dosha.

Part Used

  • Leaves
  • Flowers


Decoction – 15-30ml


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