
Ashermans Syndrome

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Asherman’s Syndrome (AS)

In the mid twentieth century Dr Asherman, an Israeli gynaecologist first described the Asherman’s syndrome condition. It is a rare, acquired condition of the uterus. In women with this condition, scar tissue makes the walls of these organs stick together and reduces the size of the uterus. In some cases, the entire front and back walls of the uterus can fuse together. In milder cases, the adhesions can appear in smaller areas of the uterus. The adhesions can be thick or thin, and may be sparsely located or merged together.

Asherman’s syndrome is also known as intrauterine synechiae. Synechiae means adhesions. Asherman’s syndrome is also called intrauterine adhesions (IUA).

What Causes Of Asherman’s Syndrome?

  • Endometriosis.
  • Scar tissue from uterine surgery like dilation and curettage (D&C).
  • Infections of the reproductive organs.
  • Scar tissue after a Cesarean section or from sutures used to stop hemorrhages.
  • Radiation treatment.
  • Intrauterine adhesions is also caused by infection, as genital tuberculosis.
  • Even in some cases cause is unknown, patients in that case have never had any D & C or other surgery.

Types of Asherman’s Syndrome

Depending on the range and thickness of the adhesions Asherman’s Syndrome can be of three types:

  • Mild Asherman’s Syndrome -Thin and flimsy bands of adhesions and easily torn with a thin instrument.
  • Moderate Asherman’s Syndrome – Thicker bands of adhesion in this grade with strands of muscular tissue mixed with the fibrous tissue.
  • Severe Asherman’s Syndrome – The adhesions are thick, and there is extensive damage of the endometrium

Symptoms of Asherman’s Syndrome

In Asherman’s Syndrome usually women have few or no periods. Some women have normal periods. If your periods are sparse, irregular, or absent, it may be due to another condition, such as:

  • Having very light periods (hypomenorrhea)
  • Stress
  • Menopause
  • Having severe cramping or pain
  • Over exercising
  • Having no periods (amenorrhea)
  • Being unable to get or stay pregnant
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

What are the Risk Factors?

  • Repetitive miscarriages in Women
  • Having any uterine surgery can raise the chances.
  • Congenital defects of the uterus, like septate uterus or bicornuate uterus, increase the risk for Asherman Syndrome

How To Know Asherman’s Syndrome Occurs or Not?

You’ll notice a reduction in or absence of your menstrual flow. If you’re still having a period, you might experience some mild to severe pain with it, as the uterine muscle has to work harder to push the menstrual fluid past the scar tissue. Hospital admission may be required if a haematometra forms, essentially a large bruise inside the uterus, to relieve the pressure caused by the build up of menstrual fluid.

It’s also quite possible that many women with Asherman’s Syndrome don’t have any symptoms at all, or the change in flow is so minimal they don’t notice it.

Ayurvedic View

As described by Ayurveda if Vata irregular and painful menstruation and disturbed “Pitta-the thermal energy” which when Increases can lead to heavy bleeding, hot flushes and irritable condition.

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