


Bed-wetting or nocturnal enuresis refers to the involuntary urination during sleep. when a kid pees at night during sleep is known as Bedwetting.

It’s a common problem in kids, especially those under 6 years old. For infants and young children, urination is involuntary. Wetting is normal for them. Most children achieve some degree of bladder control by 4 years of age. Daytime control is usually achieved first, while nighttime control comes later.

If bed-wetting continues, treat the problem with patience and understanding. Lifestyle changes, bladder training, moisture alarms and sometimes medication may help reduce bed-wetting.

Types of Bedwetting:

There are two forms of bedwetting or enuresis:

  1. Primary Bedwetting: Primary Bedwetting probably indicates immaturity of the nervous system. This type of bedwetting mostly occurs between 10% and 15% of children aged 5 and over. A children with primary bedwetting has never been dry at night for any significant length of time.
  2. Secondary Bedwetting: Secondary bedwetting refers to bedwetting after a child has learned to control his or her bladder over a period of six consecutive months or several years. Main causes for this type of bedwetting are generally psychological and linked to events such as family problems, moving home, going back to school, the arrival of a little brother or sister.In Some cases, Medical condition like diabetes, cystitis or kidney problems are responsible for this type of bedwetting.


Most kids who moist their beds at the age of 5. They don’t have any symptoms other than wetting the bed at night.

Others symptoms might suggest psychological causes or problems with the nervous system or kidneys:

  • Frequency, urgency, or burning on urination
  • Snores at night
  • Constipation
  • Complains of a burning sensation or pain when peeing
  • Straining, dribbling, or other unusual symptoms with urination
  • Cloudy or pinkish urine, or blood stains on underpants or pajamas
  • Is 7 years of age or older and still wetting the bed


Bedwetting is not a mental or behavior problem. No one knows for sure what causes bed-wetting, but various factors may play a role:

  • Stress
  • Genetic factors.
  • The child cannot yet hold urine for the entire night
  • Difficulties waking up from sleep
  • The child produces a large amount of urine during the evening and night hours
  • A hormonal imbalance. Don’t produce enough anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) to
  • slow nighttime urine production.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • A small bladder to hold urine produced during the night.
  • Abnormalities in the spinal cord.


Risk factors for the development of Bedwetting include:

  • Male gender and family history
  • Sleep apnea
  • Chronic constipation
  • Sexual abuse
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Bed-wetting is more common in children who have ADHD.


In Ayurveda, the child is given medicines to strengthen his nervous system and the urinary tract. Unless there is an organic defect in the urinary tract, these medicines, if used continuously for sufficiently long time, help the child to get control over his urinary sphincters and thus he stops bed-wetting. The medicine that is commonly used for this purpose is shilajit capsule. Made from best quality herbs these herbal remedies strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Theherbhouse are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These remedies are free from chemicals, additives and preservatives.These are safe to use without any side effects.

Yogic Regimen:

Meditation, Pranayama

Lifestyle :

Should avoid day sleep, night awakening, acohol, smoking.

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