

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Eczema

About Eczema

It is also known as Dermatitis. It is the itchy condition in which the upper layer of skin (epidermis) get inflamed that leads to red rashes. It mostly affects 10-20 % of infants and about 3% of adults and children in U.S.

Types Of Eczema


  1. Atopic Eczema: It is most common type of Eczema. It is also known as Atopic Dermatitis. It is caused due to allergic reactions. It mostly affects hands, feet, face and back of knees. It can occur at any age but usually begins from childhood.
  2. Contact Dermatitis: It is due to constant contact with allergen that may cause allergy.
  3. Seborrhoetic Eczema: Commonly it is known as Dandruff. It mainly affects scalp but often it affects eyebrows, sides of the nose and centre of chest.
    Xerotic Eczema: It is due to dryness of skin.
  4. Stasis Eczema: It is due to circulation problem such as blood pooling in veins of leg.
  5. Nummular Dermatitis: It affects men more than women. It causes red marks of coin shaped. It mostly appears on legs, forearms, lower back, hips and back of hands.
  6. Dyshidrotic Dermatitis: Severe itching on hands and feet may be the first symptom. Later on blister can appear and then scaly patches can appear.

Ayurvedic Outlook

In ayurveda, Eczema is known as Vicharchika. According to ayurveda, eczema is caused by vitiation of all three doshas- vata, pitta and kapha. Vitiation of pitta is the most common cause of vicharchika. Vitiation of skin occurs through imbalance between pitta and blood to produce eczema As per ayurveda, vicharchika (eczema) are classified into three different types:

  • Vata dosha type: This type of eczema is produced due to the vitiation of the vata dosha. In this commonly dryness of skin is felt. Severe itching and pain is occurred in the affected area.
  • Pitta dosha type: Vitiation dosha cause oozing from affected part. Burning and fever are also symptoms shown.
  • Kapha dosha type: It is caused due to imbalance of the kapha. In this skin becomes thick with oozing and itching.

Symptoms Of Eczema

Signs and symptoms of eczema may vary from person to person. It also look differ or affect different part of body from time to time. Symptoms may be mild, moderate or severe. The common symptoms are:

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Intense itching
  • Scaly areas
  • Oozing or crusting
  • Recurring rashes
  • Dark colored patches of skin

Causes Of Eczema

The exact cause of eczema is unknown but it is may be due to the overactive response of body’s immune system to an allergen can leads to skin diseases like eczema. The common causes of Eczema are:

  • Genetic factor- Some types of genes are responsible for eczema for eg. Filaggrin.
  • Family history-If any family member associated with any type of allergy or asthma.
  • Environmental factors: There are some allergens present in environment like pollutants that may be responsible for eczema.
  • Abnormal functioning of immune system.
  • Temperature variation: Sometimes it may be due to exposure of different temperature i.e. too cold or too hot temperature.

Diagnosis And Tests


  • Physical examination: It helps to diagnose your skin.
  • Family history: It helps to diagnose family history if there is any family member has allergy or asthma problem.
  • Skin biopsy:In this test, remove small piece of skin that helps to diagnose the cause of dry or itchy skin.
  • Allergic tests:It helps to provide information about any allergic disease.
  • Herbal Remedies For Eczema By Dhanvantary
  • Dhanvantary products are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

Home Remedies For Eczema

There are some home remedies that may prevent skin disease like eczema. It may include:-

  • Avoid wearing tight and scratchy clothing.
  • Prevent dry skin by taking lukewarm not hot showers or baths.
  • Avoid scratching the rashes.
  • Avoid sweating that can causes irritation on rashes.

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