
Erectile Dysfunction

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual condition in man in which he has trouble in maintaining or keeping erection. It is a common sexual dysfunction in man that becomes more common as you get older. But, it is not a part of ageing. Several reasons are there for this problem which we will discuss later.

What Is The Mechanism Of Erection?

Generally, the process of an erection starts in the brain. And Physical and mental stimulation are required for the beginning of the erection. The mental stimulation causes nerves present in the brain to send chemical messages to nerves present in the penis. This in turn leads to the free flow of blood into the penis. Due to this, high pressure in the penis gets set up and then traps the blood within both corpora cavernosa and results in the expansion of the penis. This helps the penis to keep an erection.

On the other hand, when the inflow of blood is stopped, then it opens outflow channels which in turn make the penis soft. And then this erection is said to be reversed.

What Are The Symptoms Of Erectile Dysfunction?

  • Trouble in getting erection
  • Difficulty in keeping erection
  • Reduced sexual desire

What Are The Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction?

In general, erection is a complex process that includes the involvement of hormones, brain, emotions, muscles, nerves and blood vessels as well. And problem related to any of these may cause this sexual problem. Even stress and mental health may lead to this problem. There are some physical as well as psychological issues that are related to this problem and are listed below:


  • Heart disease, high blood pressure, High cholesterol.
  • Parkinson’s disease, obesity, alcoholism, atherosclerosis.
  • Use of tobacco, surgeries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord.
  • Treatment for prostate cancer.


Depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health conditions are some of the psychological issues which may cause this problem.

How Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Prevented?

Erectile dysfunction can be well managed with the help of Ayurvedic herbs. By managing the risk of developing other health related issues such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension, the risk of erectile dysfunction can be reduced to some extent. Generally, by taking a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this sexual problem can be prevented.

Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

Ayurveda being a healthcare system, provides cure for a number of diseases. It is developed thousands of years ago in India. According to this healthcare system, any of the health problem is the result of the aggravation of the doshas. Ayurveda describes three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) as the life forces and their balance is must in order to stay healthy.

Ayurveda provides natural cure for this sexual problem. It uses herbs in their treatment which are nature’s best gift to the mankind. For erectile dysfunction, it uses herbs that are effective in managing this problem. As the treatment uses natural herbs, the chances of side effects are less as compared to the modern medicines. And, hence a safer alternative to treat the disease.

Herbal Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

Dhanvantary offers an Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of erectile dysfunction.


Why dhanvantary Products?

  • All the products from the house of dhanvantary are 100 percent pure and natural.
  • All of the products by dhanvantary are prepared without the addition of chemicals or additives or preservatives.
  • All of them are safe to use.
  • All of them are free from side effects.
  • All of these are 100 percent vegetarian.
  • These are formulated by Ayurveda doctors.

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