



Parasitic diseases are also occur at rapid spurt and affect the greater population of world. Prevalence of these diseases is more in poorsanitary conditions. More than 3000 types of parasite have been identified. Giardasis is also water borne parasitic disease which occurs due to consumption of contaminated water or food which is prepared under unhygienic conditions.

According to Ayurveda cause of parasitic infections is promoted by weak digestive fire (agni). Impaired digestion is major factor in creating favourable conditions for parasite in our body. In ayurveda it is believed that there are three energies vata, pittta and kapha in the body which are responsible for the good health. Vitiation in any of three energies results in the health complications. Parasites mainly affect the people who have imbalanced vata and kapha doshsa.

In the case of giardiasis infections, after the ingestion of parasite it remains in the dormant state in the body until there is impairment of immune system and favorable conditions which harbor parasites.


Giardiasis is the infection caused by the parasite known as Giardia lamblia, mainly due to consumption of contaminated water and unhygienic food. Giardiasis is the one of the most common cause of waterborne diseases which is characterized by watery diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and weight loss. Though sometimes people don’t develop the symptoms for several days even after getting the infection.


  • Consumption of contaminated water: Giardia parasites found in the ponds, rivers, lakes, water parks and municipal water supplies. Surface water and ground water get contamined with the wastewater and fecal matters. Most common cause of giardiasis, is the consumption of the contaminated water.
  • Eating contaminated food:Giardia parasites can also be transmitted by eating food which is prepared under the unhygienic conditions.
  • Person to person contact: Giardiasis infection may also spread if your hands are contaminated with fecal matter.People who change their child’s diapers and child care taker are more prone to infections.
  • Analsex may also be the cause of giardiasis.


  • Parents of children who change the diapers are at a risk to develop the infections.
  • Workers of day care centre and even their family members are more prone to infections.
  • Workers of nursing home and even their family members are also at risk to develop these infections.
  • Giardiasis infections may also occur in the people who swim in rivers, lakes or other water sources. In this case infections occur due to the coming in the contact of contaminated fecal matter in water.
  • People who drink unhygienic water like well water.
  • People who have the impaired immune system.
  • Some health complications like crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis or other disease which impairs digestive system.


  • Dehydration is the major complication associated with giardiasis. In this condition there is insufficient amount of water in the body to carry out the normal functions.
  • Giaidiasis affects the children to a greater extent and results in malnutrition and poor growth and development in children.
  • Giardiasis infections lead to lactose intolerance in the people. In this condition people have inability to digest milk sugar (lactose).


“Proper eating habits play an important role to keep you physically fit.”

  • Avoid eating spicy foods, citrus fruits, caffeine, beverages because these things impair the digestive fire and weakens the digestion.
  • In one is infected with giardiasis, must consume plain boiled rice, apple sauce, bananas and dry toast.
  • Avoid milk products.

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