
Hearing Loss

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Hearing Loss

About Hearing Loss

When people affected by loss of hearing they feel difficulty in explaining to friends and families. But what exactly are the effects of diminished hearing. Hearing loss is one of the common problem that often develops with age or due to the repeated exposure to loud noises. Hearing loss can be a sudden or gradual decrease in how fine you can hear. Hearing loss is when you can’t hear sound in one or both ears.


Mild:Individual can’t hear soft speech and have difficulty in keeping up the conversations in noisy situations.
Severe:Person is not able to hear you can’t hear soft or moderately loud noises.
Profound:Person suffering feel very hard of hearing and have to rely mostly on lip-reading, and/or sign language.


  1. Conductive hearing loss – Caused when sound waves are not able to reach the inner ear. It can be restored.
  2. Sensorineural hearing loss – It is a case when there’s damage to inner ear or auditory nerve. It’s a type of Permanent Hearing Loss.

Causes Of Hearing Loss


  • Can be home- or work-related.
  • Hereditary,
  • Aging process.
  • Damage to inner ear,
  • Earwax Buildup
  • Fluid in the middle ear as a result of colds
  • Ruptured eardrum
  • Structural abnormalities of the outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear
  • Head trauma or abrupt change in the air pressure(e.g., during airplane descent)
  • Meniere’s disease and meningitis disease
  • Physical abnormality of the inner ear
  • Tumors

Triggering Factor For Hearing Loss

  • A blow of loud noise,
  • Infections,
  • Effects of toxins
  • Some injury
  • Hereditary

Ayurvedic View

Ayurveda name for Hearing Loss is Karan – Badhiriya. When there is disturbance in vata dosha, sound is not transmitted from the ear to the brain. In some cases vitiated Kapha blocks the pathway of vata because of which vata fails to conduct the sound waves. The hearing ability of the one goes on dropping gradually and may be lost completely.

Symptoms Of Hearing Loss

  • Feel difficulty in hearing others clearly and error in hearing what they say, in group.
  • Difficulty in understanding words, especially if there is background noise or in a crowd of people
  • Hearing consonants is tough
  • Repeatedly asking others to speak more slowly, clearly and loudly.
  • If there is Need to turn high the volume of the television or radio.
  • Avoiding some social situations.
  • Ringing, roaring, or hissing sounds are heard in the ears, known as tinnitus.
  • Feeling as if there is water or pressure in the ear.


  • Pain in your ear
  • Fluid leaking from the ear
  • Vertigo – a type of dizziness feeling as though your surroundings are moving or spinning around you
  • Headaches
  • Children may also suffer from developing their speech and language.

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