

How To Treat Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure) In Ayurveda?

What Is Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)?

We enjoy the lifestyle we are living, unhygienic and unhealthy food that we are eating by ignoring the consequences of it. A person is facing low blood pressure when systolic reading is 90 mm Hg & diastolic reading is 60 mm Hg or less. Hypotension usually causes faintness and dizziness in an individual. If you are facing these problems than you should immediately consult your doctor.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms In Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)?


  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Lack of concentration
  • Blurred vision
  • Stress


  • Cold body
  • Pale skin
  • Calmness
  • Confusion
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • Rapid or sometimes weak pulse rate

Which Type Of Conditions Leads To Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)?

There are many conditions that can lead to low blood pressure in an individual mentioned in detail:

  • During pregnancy, a lady may feel low blood pressure due to expanding level of the circulatory system.
  • People with Low blood sugar, parathyroid disease, and Addison’s disease sometimes lead to low blood pressure.
  • Health conditions like bradycardia, heart failure, heart attack, and heart valve problems are the reason behind low blood pressure.
  • Health conditions like fever, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination causes hypotension.
    Presence of severe infection in the bloodstream leads to low blood pressure.
    Sometimes blood loss due to an injury causes hypotension.
  • Anemic patients usually go through low blood pressure due to the lack of vitamin B-12in the body.
  • Allergic reactions may lead to low blood pressure in an individual.

Who Are At High Risk Of Hypotension?


  • Age group:Low blood pressure may primarily appear in adults older than 65, it may also affect children and younger adults.
  • Certain diseases:Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease & some heart conditions can lead to low blood pressure.
  • Medications:High blood pressure using beta blockers are at greater risk of hypotension.

What Is The Ayurvedic Perspective For Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)?

As per Ayurveda low blood pressure is due to the weakness of digestive fire that may imbalance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha). People with Vata type body have poor blood circulation that is the reason for low blood pressure. For Pitta type people poor liver functions & anemia is the reason for hypotension. Kapha body type has congestion and reduces blood flow that may be the cause of low blood pressure.

So to balance hypotension condition dhanvantary provides the combination of herbal remedies that manage the condition. Pure herbs are used for the formulation of products. We have Ashwagandha capsule, Wheatgrass powder, Spirulina capsule, Shilajit capsule and Green essentials capsule for the herbal treatment of low blood pressure.

General Health Tips For Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

  • Eat a healthy diet including green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains in your diet.
  • Do practice yoga asana & pranayama. Prefer asana like shava asana, and sarvang asana.
  • You can also include milk, fish, and eggs in your diet.
  • Take soups & juices (beetroot, carrots, pomegranate, and apple) etc.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid the intake of caffeine, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid cold drinks & other aerated drinks.

Home Remedies For Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

  • You can consume ½ tsp. of turmeric along with aloe Vera gel. Take this once daily.
  • Eat figs daily. Soak it in a glass of water and eat it in the morning on empty stomach.
  • Prepare an herbal tea by adding cinnamon, cardamom, & black pepper. Drink this daily in low blood pressure.
  • You can have the soup of Black chana to maintain your blood pressure level.
    For instant relief drink a glass of water by ¼ tsp. of salt & sugar to it.

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