

Natural Treatment Of Psoriasis

About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is the persistent long lasting disease. It is a common skin condition that changes the life cycle of skin cells. It’s a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease characterisized by reoccurring reddish patches covered by silvery scales occurs especially on the scalp, ears, genitialia and the skin over bony prominence.

In Ayurveda any skin disorder classified as khustha-Roga. Psoriasis resembles Ek-Khustha and kitbha khustha. In Ek-Khustha in this type of khustha the skin looks like fish skin or there is an absence of sweating. In Kitbha-Khustha the effected part of skin turn into greyish-black, rough like a wound.

According to Ayurveda, when vata and kapha dosha vitiated they toxify the masha dhatu and rakhta dhatu then the symptoms of psoriasis appears.

What Are The Causes Of Psoriasis?

The exact cause of Psoriasis is not known but it is a result of several factors like genetic, environmental and immune system.


  • Infections such as throat or skin.
  • Heavy Alcohol consumption.
  • Emotional Stress.
  • Certain Medication: Such as medication for high blood pressure (Beta-blockers), anti-malarial drugs.

What Are The Risk Factors For Psoriasis?

  • Family History: Family history plays an important role in Psoriasis. If one parent is having psoriasis then chances is less or if both parents have this disease then the chances may increase.
  • Viral and Bacterial Infections: Children who are prone to throat infection, are at the high risk of having this disease. HIV positive patients are also at the high risk.
  • Stress: Stress effects the immune system due to that high risk of psoriasis.
    Obesity: Plaque associated with all the psoriasis often develops in skin creases and folds.
  • Smoking: Smoking plays role in the initial development of disease.

What Are The Sign And Symptoms Of Psoriasis?


  • Red color patches covered by silvery scales especially on scalp, ear and gentialia area
  • Thickened, pitted nails or ridged nails
  • Cracked, dry skin.
  • Swollen and stiff joints.

What Are The Different Types Of Psoriasis?

  • Plaque Psoriasis: It is the most common type of Psoriasis. Plaque Psoriasis causes dry, crack and red lesions on the skin covered with silvery scale. It causes itching and pain. It may occur in any part of the body.
  • Nail Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis effects the fingernails and toenails. It causes discoloration, pitting and overgrowth of nails.
  • Scalp Psoriasis: Psoriasis on the scalp may appear red, itchy areas with silvery scale.
  • Guttate Psoriasis: It mainly effects young children specially suffering from throat infection. It seems like small water dropped sours on the arm, legs and trunk.
  • Inverse Psoriasis: Fungal infection may trigger these type of Psoriasis. It mainly effecting the skin in the armpits, in the groin, under the breast and around the gentialia, it causes smooth patches of red inflamed skin.
  • Pustular Psoriasis: This is uncommon form of psoriasis occurs in smaller areas of hand, fingertips. It generally develops quickly with pus filled blisters appearing just an hours after skin become red and tender.
  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis: It is a very rare type of Psoriasis seen in patients.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: In addition to the symptoms of Psoriasis there is also swollen and painful joints hence it is called Psoriatic arthritis. It may cause stiffness and progressive joint damage that may lead to permanent deformity.

What Are The Complication Of Psoriasis?

  • Eye Disorders: Certain eye disorders like conjunctivitis, blephritis, uveitis etc.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: The more severe the psoriasis, more likely the risk of type 2 diabetes increase.+
  • Other Autoimmune Disease: Celaic disease, chron’s disease are more likely to strike the people having Psoriasis.
  • Parkinson’s disease: There is a high risk of neurological disease to people having psoriasis.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: People with having psoriasis are on high risk of psoriasis.

How To Diagnose The Psoriasis?

Medical History and Physical examination (exam. Especially of skin).
Skin Biopsy (rarely doctor do this test, to rule out the type of psoriasis and other disorders also).

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