

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Underweight

It is well said that beauty gets attention whereas personality gets the heart. Everyone knows that beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. But if you don’t have a good personality then there will be lack of confidence. What is a good personality? It is your way of talking, how intellectual you are and most important thing is your physical appearance. People always have the problems with their overweight or underweight.

What Is Underweight?

Underweight is the condition when body mass index (BMI) is below than person’s normal age and height. Body mass index (BMI) that ranges between 20-25 is an ideal weight, 25-30 indicates deficiencies in the body and overweight and above 30 leads to obese. There are various causes which are responsible for underweight like nutritional deficiencies, high metabolism rate in thin people, debilitated immune system, heart problems, cancer, anemia, thyroid, insomnia constipation, fasting, heavy exercise, skipping meals, liver disorders, dyspepsia, eating disorder (anorexia), genetic factors and stress.

Hazards Of Underweight

  • Improper Growth –In underweight people there is the deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins in the body. These elements are mandatory for the proper growth and strength of body.
  • Osteoporosis – Due to improper eating habits, when there is insufficient amount of calcium in diet. So due to the calcium deficiency, bones become weak and brittle which leads to osteoporosis.
  • Anemia – Underweight people commonly suffer from this problem because inadequate amounts of iron results in anemia. Lethargy and feeling of weakness these are the symptoms associated with anemia.
  • Hormonal complications.
  • Infertility – Underweight women usually suffer from menstrual complications which are major cause of infertility.
  • Heart complications.
  • Improper lungs functioning.
  • Loss of hairs.
  • Underweight people have weak immune system so due to that these people are more vulnerable to infections.

Reason Of Being Underweight According To Ayurveda

In Ayurveda it is believed that there are three energies – vata, pitta and kapha. In normal healthy individuals these three energies are found in the equilibrium. If there is imbalance in any of three energies results in a disease. According to Ayurveda, vata dosha is responsible for underweight complications. Vata dosha can be relieved by nurturing and building up properties. To resolve the underweight problem Ayurveda emphasis on the balancing agni (digestive fire) so that deep tissues can absorb the nutrition which is given to body. So Ayurveda helps to increase the body’s ability to absorb nutrition and helps in the reduction of good and bad cholesterol which are also responsible for underweight problems. With the use of these herbs like (ashwagandha, amalaki, haritaki and saunf), having the healthy diet and pranayam one can get rid of underweight problem.

Diet And Lifestyle


  • Always take nutrient rich and calorie rich diet.
  • Take small frequent meals so that body can get enough time to absorb the nutrients from food.
  • Include the dairy products like cheese, yogurt and milk.
  • Consume nuts such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts and cashew nuts.
  • Avocadoes are the rich source of fats and nutrients and help in weight gaining.
  • Include bread and cereals in your diet like bread, rice, pasta and oats.
  • Stop doing vigorous exercises like (running, sports and aerobic classes).
  • Heavy emotional stress is also responsible for being underweight so pranayam is also an effective way to get rid from this problem.

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