
Abies Webbiana

Talisa Patra


Talisa Patra is a drug of choice for upper respiratory tract disorders like swasa (COPD),

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Talisa Patra is a drug of choice for upper respiratory tract disorders like swasa (COPD), Kasa (a cough), hikka (hiccups) etc. Abies webbiana is the accepted scientific name of Talisa patra. And belongs to Pinaceae family. This plant is a native of the northern temperate region and in India, it is found in Himalayan regions.The leaves of the plant are used in many formulations which help to balance Kapha and Vata. It is having various properties like anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, central nervous system depressant, antibacterial, antitumor, antitussive and mast cell stabilizing the property.It consists of a good range of phytoconstituents, essential oil, tannins, saponins, amino acids, lipids etcKnow what are health benefits and medicinal uses of Talispatra in Ayurveda. Learn some remedies of Talispatra to treat your cough, ashthma related health problems. Talispatra is a coniferous medicinal tree found in Himalaya. It is known as Talispatra in Ayurveda, Talispatri in Siddha, and Talisapattar in Unani. For therapeutic purpose the leaves of the tree are used. The leaves can be used fresh, dried, as tincture, infusion or confection. They are the mainly indicated in infections of upper, and lower respiratory tract. The leaves powder along with Vasaka leaf juice, and honey is given to treat asthma, cough, and blood vomiting. Externally the leaves are used in rheumatic, and neuralgic pains.

Ayurvedic Properties, and Action of Talispatra

In Ayurveda, Talis / Talisha consist of dried needle like leaves of Abies webbiana. It has sweet, bitter, and pungent taste, and hot in potency. It is mainly indicated in respiratory disorders, phthisis, and excessive phlegm. It is good for the heart, improves appetite, and balances Vata, and Kapha.

Talisadi Churna which is prepared from Talisa Patra (Abies webbiana leaf), Trikatu, Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Vanshalochna (Bambusa arundinacea), and Misri, is given to treat acute-chronic allergic bronchitis, asthma, cough, and digestive disorders. In chronic asthma it reduces the frequency, and severity of asthmatic attacks.

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Madhura (Sweet), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
  •  Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Tikshna (Sharp)
  • Virya: Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)
  • Action: Dipana, Hridya, Vatakaphapham, Shleshmapittajit

Therapeutic uses: Swasa (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases), kasa (cough), gulma (tumor), Agnimandya (hypochlorhydria), amadosha (amoebiasis), hikka (hiccup), chhardi (vomiting), krimi (helminthiasis), and mukharoga (mouth disorders).

Important formulations: Drakshadi Churna, Talisadi Churna, Bhaskara Lavana, Talispatra churna, Pranada Gutika, Jatiphaladi Churna, Puga Khanda, Talisadi Modak

Important Medicinal Properties

Talis leaves are rich in medicinal properties. The understanding of these properties will help us to better utilize this herb / plant. These also indicate the conditions in which we should avoid it. For example, it has contraceptive, and thermogenic properties, and therefore should not be used while trying for pregnancy. Below is given medicinal properties along with the meaning.

  •  Aromatic: pleasant, and distinctive smell.
  • Anticatarrhal: remove excess mucous from the body.
  • Antitussive: prevent or relieve a cough.
  • Antispasmodic: used to relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.
  • Antirheumatic: alleviating or preventing rheumatism.
  • Antiseptic: Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
  • Appetizer: improves appetite.
  • Aphrodisiac: stimulates sexual desire.
  • Anti–inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body
  • Antipyretic/antifebrile/febrifuge: Effective against fever. Significantly lowers body temperature in the fever.
  • Carminative: Preventing the formation or causing the expulsion of flatulence.
  • Decongestant: used to relieve nasal congestion.
  • Expectorant: promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to treat coughs.
  • Blood purifiers: removes toxins.
  • Female antifertility: capable of or tending to reduce or destroy fertility / contraceptive.

Medicinal Uses of Talispatra

The leaf powder / juice of Abies webbiana or Talispatra is indicated in Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Fever, Gas, Headache, Hemoptysis, Hoarseness, Neuralgia, Phthisis, and Splenosis (acquired condition defined as autotransplantation of viable splenic tissue throughout different anatomic compartments of the body).
The essential oil obtained from the leaves is used to treat colds, rheumatism, and nasal congestion.

Low appetite

The leaf powder is taken in a dose of 2-3 grams to improve appetite.
Cough, hoarseness of voice, fever, congestion 2-3 grams of leaf powder is mixed with an equal amount of Mishri / Rock candy. Mishri consist of big white, sweet lumps of crystals. It has demulcent, and cooling properties.

Fever, Headache

  1. The leaf powder is taken in a dose of 2-3 grams
  2. The leaves are applied topically.

Additional information


100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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