
Citrullus Colocynthis



Indravaruni an important medicinal herb botanically known as Citrullus colocynthis belongs to family Cucurbitaceae.

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What is Indravaruni?

Indravaruni an important medicinal herb botanically known as Citrullus colocynthis belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. Commonly known as bitter apple or colocynth1. C. colocynthis is a perennial scabrid prostrate trailing herb found wild in the sandy lands of North west Punjab, Sind and Central and Southern India.

  1. Indravaruni is a well known plant of ancient medical sciences. It is described in almost all Samhitas and Nighantus of Ayurveda. Indravaruni is Citrullus colocynthis Schrad belongs to family Cucurbitaceae, mostly found throughout India, both wild and cultivated. Premature graying of hair: 50 gram of dried seeds paste of Indravaruni cooked in 400 ml of sesame oil until it becomes moisture free. Regular application of this oil over the scalp is found to be effective in preventing premature greying of hair.
  2. Constipation: 1-3gms of Indravaruni root powder taken orally with warm water daily night before going to bed relieves constipation, abdominal distension, menstrual pain etc.
  3. Food poisoning: In case of food poisoning 2-3 gram of Indravaruni seeds powder is administered twice or thrice in a day. This helps to induce vomiting and hence the probable danger is checked. Fishermen use this kind of practice abundantly as they are repeatedly poisoned by poisonous fish intake.
  4. Foot ulcers: One fist full of dried seeds of Indravaruni boiled in 500ml of water and till it reduced to 1/4th. This decoction is used to soak the foot for 15-30minutes, in case of foot ulcers and cracks caused during rainy seasons.
  5. Scrotal Enlargement: 3grams of Indravaruni root powder mixed with castor oil and is taken along with Cowʼs milk twice daily is beneficial in scrotal enlargement.

Additional information


100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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