
Convolvulus Pluricaulia

Sankha Puspi


Convolvulus Pluricaulia Ankhpushpi, clad by the vernacular names Shankhini,

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Convolvulus Pluricaulia Ankhpushpi, clad by the vernacular names Shankhini, Kambumalini, Samkhapushpi, Sadaphuli, and Sankhaphuli is a potent memory booster and brain tonic that actively works to improve intelligence and functioning of the brain. The name shankhpushpi was given to the plant owing to its shankh or conch shaped flowers. It also helps in enhancing concentration, learning capabilities, mental fatigue, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, etc What is Shankhpushpi?

Shankhpushpi, which goes by the botanical name Convolvulus pluricaulis is a perennial plant native to India. Well-known as morning-glory, speed wheel or Aloe weed in English, this medicinal herb has specific arrowhead-shaped leaves and bulb-shaped blue or white flowers. The herb is extremely beneficial and is used from root to tips for its wide range of therapeutic benefits.

The holistic science of ayurveda popularizes shankhpushpi in various rasayanas or formulations and scriptures by the Sanskrit names Shyamakranta, Visnukranta, Vaishnava, Sankhaholi, Vishnugandhi, Vishnukranti, Shankavall, Vishnukrantha, Krishnaenkranti, Nilashankhapushpi, Ksheerpushpi, Laghuvishnukranta, Erravishnukaraantha.

The host of properties including Medhya (memory booster), Vamana (Vomiting), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Kusthahara (treats skin disease), Shothahara (reduces inflammation), Hridaya (treats heart problems), Jantujit (relieves from worm infestation) makes this magical herb a potent solution of umpteen health problems.

Health benefits Of Shankhapushpi
Improves Cognitive Functioning:

Shankhpushpi is a traditional remedy for increasing the functioning of the brain. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in it improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Being a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shankhpushpi have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. The neuroprotective elements in the plant prevent loss of memory and relieve tension from the brain.

Reduces Mental Fatigue:

Mental fatigue is a condition of excessive and prolonged cognitive activity. It mostly occurs due to excessive work using a computer, watching television for hours, learning or memorizing activities, etc. and causes a person to lose concentration and feel lethargic. Shankhpushpi is a powerful memory booster that helps in enhancing the brain’s working capacity and reduce the loss of concentration.

Intake of a decoction of a spoonful of shankhpushpi powder with a glass of water on a daily basis can do wonders in boosting your memory.

Shankhpushpi for Depression

Shankhapushpi holds high significance due to its potent anti-stress, anti-depressive and anti-anxiety properties are extremely useful for treating different types of psychotic problems like depression, dementia, restlessness, etc. It balances the brain chemicals i.e. neurotransmitters and ups the secretion of dopamine which in turn keeps the serotonin level under control and helps to reduce various symptoms of anxiety which includes restlessness, uneasiness, cold hands, and feet, and helps in relaxing the mind and body.

Enhances Cardiac Functioning:

Shankhpushpi is extremely effective in treating various heart ailments due to its strong antioxidative nature. It strengthens the heart muscles and prevents lipid build up in the blood vessels. The bioactive constituents like the ethanolic extract reduce the levels of non-esterified fatty acids i.e. NEFA, and hence reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc. It also plays a key role in lowering the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Stimulates Digestion:
The digestive properties found in this traditional herb is found to be extremely beneficial in improving digestion. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices thereby increasing the absorption of essential nutrients and enhancing digestion. It also prevents fluid retention and treats symptoms of abdominal pain, abdominal distension, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Product description

Botanical name:-Convolvulus pluricaulis
Shankhapushpi or Convolvulus pluricaulis is an indigenous plant commonly mentioned in Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, as a rasayana which is mainly advocated for use in mental stimulation and rejuvenation therapy. Little human research has been published in the Western medical literature regarding this plant. One study shows shankhpushpi to have anti-ulcer effects due to augmentation of mucosal defensive factors like mucin secretion and glycoproteins. Another study showed that shankhapushpi may be helpful in improving symptoms of hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of a liver enzyme. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory, also in syphilis, and scrofula. Shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid. Shankpushpi is used traditionally to treat nervous debility, insomnia, fatigue, low energy level. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction with cumin and milk in fever, nervous debility, loss of memory. Shankhapushpi is also used as a brain tonic. Is used as a tonic, alterative and febrifuge. It is a sovereign remedy in bowel complaints especially dysentery. The plant is reported to be a prominent memory improving drug. It is used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. It is reported to reduce mental tension. The ethanolic extract of the plant reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and nonesterfied fatty-acid.

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