
Crataeva Religiosa



The holistic system of traditional medicine has the potential to effectively manage and treat several health anomalies.

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The holistic system of traditional medicine has the potential to effectively manage and treat several health anomalies. The age-old Ayurvedic medicine brings in a wealth of herbs that work as a sure-shot natural remedial cure for different health woes. And one such powerful herbal plant is Varun, which is a medium-sized deciduous tree found wild and cultivated throughout India. In ayurvedic medicine, Varun or Varuna bark is used extensively for healing painful kidney stones and has been in use since Vedic times. It is a natural diuretic and a blood purifier herb that aids to keep the homeostasis of the human body. Varun is known by the botanical name Crataeva nurvula which belongs to the Capparidaceae family.

This herb gets its name because of its incredible effect on bodily fluids and the urinary system. The traditional system of medicine recommends Varuna in curing urinary disorders like stones in the kidney, uterus and bladder. This powerful plant is credited to possess urinary, antiseptic and litholytic qualities.

Potential Health Benefits of Varun

Digestive Stimulant

This herbal formulation may help ease constipation owing to its natural laxative action, which aids to loosen stools and regularise bowel movement. It is attributed to having an anti-inflammatory action that aids to lower inflammation and joint pain caused by gout. Furthermore, applying a paste of Varun leaves on abscess supports lessens inflammation and pain.

Promotes Appetite

Adding this herbal plant to the regular meal plan is well-known to improve appetite. As per Ayurveda, poor appetite is caused due to Agnimandhya (weak digestion) which is aggravated by Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas leading to an incomplete digestion process. This results in inadequate secretion of gastric juice in the stomach resulting in loss of appetite. The potent Deepan (appetizer) nature of Varun triggers the digestion process and improves appetite. It is suggested to have Varun powder alongside honey post lunch to stimulate digestive health and appetite.

Remedies Renal Stones

Thanks to its diuretic nature, this medicinal plant is valuable in treating urinary stones. Mutrashmari (renal stones in Ayurveda) is a disorder of Vatta-Kapha origin which results in Sanga(obstruction) in the Mutravaha Srotas (urinary system). Varun is one of the best ayurvedic medicine which aids to break renal calculi, owing to its Asmaribhedan nature (penetration) and eliminates the stones out of the urinary tract.

Also Read: Pittapapada/Indian Fumitory: Uses, Health Benefits, Effects On Dosha, Dosage, Side Effects And Precautions

Treats Urinary Tract Infection

Muktrakcchra (UTI in Ayurveda) means ooze and kricha painful micturition. Severe urinary tract infection is associated with dysuria and painful urination. Taking Varun powder aids to control the burning sensation, owing to its diuretic action that increases urine output and eases the symptoms of UTI.

Prevents Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) is a common cause of lower UTI symptoms in elderly men. This condition is quite alike to Vatashtila (as per Ayurveda) and the condition gets worsened due to Vata dosha that gets confined in between the urinary bladder and rectum. This results in firm glandular swelling called Vatashtila or BHP. Regular intake of Varun formulation aids to pacify Vata dosha and reduces the size of the prostate gland and eases the symptoms.

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100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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