
Cycela Peltata



Patha is a potent medicinal plant that has been used extensively in the ayurvedic system of medicine for its phenomenal therapeutic properties.

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Patha is a potent medicinal plant that has been used extensively in the ayurvedic system of medicine for its phenomenal therapeutic properties. This medicinal plant is known by the botanical name Cissampelos pareira and belongs to the family Menispermaceae.

Health Benefits Of Patha

Treats Diarrhoea

Poor eating habits, drinking impure water, environmental toxins, mental stress and Agnimanday (weak digestive fire) results in disturbance of gut health leading to diarrhoea (Atisar in ayurveda). Additionally, these factors lead to aggravation of Vata dosha which results in loose motions or diarrhoea. Patha is valuable to manage diarrhoea due to its Laugh (light to digest) nature and improves the digestive fire because of its Ushna and Vata balancing nature. Also, it helps to retain fluid in the gut to thicken loose stool and regulate frequency of diarrhoea.

Promotes Male Reproductive Health

This potent medicinal plant is highly recommended for improving fertility in men. Patha extract is powerful in increasing sperm quality and quantity and aids to control sexual dysfunction in men. Poor libido, low erection or semen expelled soon after sex is all symptoms associated with premature ejaculation. Natural Vrishya (aphrodisiac)traits of Patha enhance sexual well-being in men.

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Remedies Acne

Aggravation of Pitta dosha leads to an outbreak of several skin problems like eczema, skin infections and acne. Patha tonic is highly effective in combatting acne caused due to hormonal imbalance. The richness of certain bioactive compounds in Patha help regulate hormonal balance and high levels of androgens. Aside from this, anti-inflammatory qualities aid in easing pain and redness related to acne outbreaks.

Combats Respiratory Problems

Bestowed with strong immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-asthmatic actions, Patha is a well-known traditional remedy for all kinds of respiratory ailments. It supports easing the symptoms of asthma and offers respite from breathlessness. The vitiated Vata combines with deranged Kapha dosha in the lungs resulting in obstruction in the respiratory passage and leading to breathing difficulty. Asthma is known as Swas Roga in ayurveda. This herbal formulation balances Vata and Kapha doshas and gets rid of excess phlegm from the lungs and improves lung function.

Treats Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea is known as Kasht-aartava in Ayurveda. Menstrual pain or cramps is caused due to an imbalance of Vata dosha in the system. This herbal supplement is credited to have pain-relieving and vata pacifying properties that offer relief from abdominal cramps and other menstrual issues.

Controls High Blood Pressure

Thanks to its powerful antioxidant trait, Patha is highly effective in regulating uncontrolled blood pressure. It works by relaxing and widening the blood vessels in the arteries and lets the heart to pump blood effortlessly to all parts of the body.

Additional information


100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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