
Semecarpus Anacardium

Bhallataka, Marking Nut


It is medium to large sized deciduous tree with grey bark exfoliating in small irregular flakes, 15-25mt in height and closely related to cashew.

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It is medium to large sized deciduous tree with grey bark exfoliating in small irregular flakes, 15-25mt in height and closely related to cashew. Leaves are simple alternate, oblong, rounded at apex glabrous above and pubescent beneath. Flowers appear in panicles greenish white in color appears in May and June. Nut of this plant is smooth, ovoid, lustrous black about 2.5cm long. Fruits ripen from December to March. Seeds inside the black fruit is called godambi, is edible when prepared properly. Fruits of this tree are also used for dye.

General Information

Bhallataka, geerubeeja and marking nut is common name of Semecarpusanacardium. Washer men used this herb to mark clothes before washing. This versatile herb is used in ayurvedic system to cure various diseases by pacifying kaphadosha in human body. Red-orange part of Bhallataka fruit is collected, sun dried and used for medicinal purpose. This herb is considered good for both male and female reproductive system. Its nut contains various active compounds such as bioflavonoids, phenolic acid, bhilawanols, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. This herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-reproductive, CNS stimulant, hypoglycemic, anti-cancerous and hair growth promoter.

Special Note About SemecarpusAnacardium

Bhallatakashodhana – Bhallataka is highly toxic herb, direct exposure may cause boils on skin. Bhallataka purification (shodhana) is necessary to reduce the toxicity and hot potency of this herb. For this process ripe seeds are taken and put into water. Seeds which sink in water surface are taken for purification while others are discarded. Then seeds are cut into two pieces and immersed in brick powder. This dry brick absorb all the toxic oils from the seeds and make them usable for medicinal purposes.


Semecarpusanacardium is moderate sized deciduous tree native to India easily found in outer Himalayas to Coromandel Coast. It is found in hotter parts of India up to 3500ft height. This plant is easily found in Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Chittagong, and Bengal. It is also found in western peninsula of East Archipelago and Northern Australia.


  • Kingdom – Plantae
  • Order – Sapindales
  • Family – Anacardiaceae

Ayurvedic Properties

Hindi / Sanskrit English
Rasa Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Taste Pungent, Bitter, Astringent
Guna Laghu, Tikshna, Snigdha Physical Property Light, Sharp, Uncutous
Virya Ushna Potency Hot
Vipaka Madhur Metabolic Property (After Digestion) Sweet

Effects On Doshas

There is not any type of kapha imbalance which cannot be cured by this herb.

CharakSamhita SushrutSamhita and vagbhata
·         Deepaniya – Herbs which stimulate digestive fire.

·         Bhedniya – Herbs which induce mild purgation.

·         Shirovirechan – Herbs which are good for cleansing the head / Sinuses.

·         Kusthghna – Herbs which are used in skin disorders

·         Mutrasanghrehniya – Herbs used to increase volume of urine.

Nyagrodhadigana, Mustadigana

Practical Uses Of SemecarpusAnacardium

  • It’s a common saying about this herb that there is not any kaphadosha disorder that cannot be treated by this versatile herb.
  • This herb is appetizer and used to stimulate digestive system. It is good for improving digestion.
  • Bhallatak is purgative in nature and used to induce purgation. It is very good for relieving constipation, digestive disorders, abdominal distention, ascites, piles and various types of worm infestation.
  • The herb is best used to cure various skin related disorders such as skin rash, itching and swelling etc.It also acts as brain tonic, useful in brain weakness and used to improve intelligence.
  • Bhallatak is a good expectorant and used to cure cough and asthma. Flowers of this plant are very beneficial for asthma.
  • It is used to treat various nerve related disorders caused by vatadosha like sciatica, epilepsy, facial paralysis etc.
  • Semecarpusanacardium is a cardiac stimulant, enhancer of white blood cells and used to cure cardiac debility.
  • Bhallataka is good for both male and female reproductive systems, in women it stimulates uterus due to its hot potency. In men it is used for improving sperm count and sexual powder.

Dose: Oil -1-2 drops

Awleha – ¼ – ½ tola
Kasheerpak – 1-2 tola

Additional information


100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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