
Stereospronum Chelonoies



Patala, also known as ‘trumpet’ or ‘Padiri’ is a potent medicinal plant used

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Patala, also known as ‘trumpet’ or ‘Padiri’ is a potent medicinal plant used in the preparation of several ayurvedic formulations. It is one of the key elements used in making ayurvedic medicine Dashmula. This formulation is used largely to treat inflammation, pain, fever, asthma, and vomiting. According to various ayurvedic manuscripts, Patala herb is effective in controlling the symptoms of arthritis owing to its Vata pacifying nature. While it also helps in promoting digestive health and functions due to its Deepan(appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) qualities.

Patala is attributed to have various therapeutic qualities such as diuretic, cardiac tonic, anti-inflammatory and many more. Most parts of this herbal plant are used in the treatment of different health maladies. Roots of Patala are helpful in pacifying Vata dosha and related disorders, while its flowers are cold in potency and are beneficial in regulatingPatala Plant
Patala is a large tree known by the botanical name Stereospermum suaveolens that belongs to the Bignoniaceae family. The tree is around 25m long, cylindrical in shape, intensely brown to creamy, and very rough due to vertical fissures, cracks, ridges, transverse fine lenticels and lamellation of layer owing to the presence of concentric bands of fibres. It is an indigenous plant to India and found widely in North circus, Deccan in deciduous forests, Western ghats and in the hilly regions of Mysore, Malabar and Trivandrum and in Bangladesh and Myanmar. Several research reveals that the bark of plant has potent health-benefitting traits.


This medicinal plant is well-known to pacify Kapha dosha and get rid of excess mucus from the lungs, thus offering respite from symptoms related to asthma. Patala is also beneficial in regulating symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes owing to its Kashaya (astringent) and Tikta (bitter) nature. Furthermore, this herbal formulation exhibit Hridya (cardiac tonic) nature, which strengthens cardiac muscles and arteries and helps to augment heart functions and maintain heart health. The root of Patala is a natural coolant and has diuretic properties. Bark, fruits, and flowers are vatakaphashmaka. The flowers are taken in the form of a concoction that works as aphrodisiacs and improves semen quality and sexual health in men.

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100grm, 1kg, 25kg


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